الإصدار الأخيـر من البرنامج الشهير و الرائـع في إلتقاط صور للشاشة و عمل الشروحات عليـها
يقوم بالتـحويل بين إمتــدادات الصور مع مميـزات عديــدة جدآ
يمكنة ان ياخذ لك صورة كاملة لاي موقع ويب وكما يمكنة تصوير فيديو لما تعملة بالماوس
ويحتوي على اكثر من عشرين ميزة تصوير محترفة اخرى حقاً انه برنامج احترافي ومميز
SnagIt delivers customized screen captures with the press of a hotkey. SnagIt is the only screen capture software that captures images, text, and video from your Windows desktop. Effortlessly produce perfect graphics and video with this complete capture solution
هذه الصورة تم تصغيرها . أضغظ على الشريط الاصفر لعرضها بالكامل. The original image is sized 650x550.
Changes in Snagit v10.0.0
* Added All-in-One capture.
* Improved scrolling capture.
* Improved text capture.
* Improved region capture and region autoscroll capture.
* Added transparency to Editor.
* Added ability to capture transparency.
* Added ability to change Snagit's color theme.
* Added a Page Curl effect.
* Enhanced the Cutout tool.
* Improved Snagit's performance.
* Added a Getting Started .snag file to Editor.
* Fixed a bug capturing Japanese text in text capture mode.
* Fixed a problem with the magnifier window continuing to display during a region capture.
* Fixed a memory leak caused by a timer-activated text capture.
* Added support for Windows 7.
* Added a preview window to the Save as dialog box.
* Added default install of Screencast.com output with thumbnail and URL option.
* Added the ability to rotate text boxes.
* Restored custom trim.
* Added deleted images now go to Recycle Bin.
* Added 1GB video capture warning.
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